December 2010
Showing strenght
The final show of the year for us was the Stockholm International. Our black bitch Ch Callevys May Bloom won BOB under Mr Göran Bodegård and a group-3'rd under Mrs Nina Karlsdotter in an incredibly strong group! Thank you everyone for your support and warm words. By winning this last show Wilma gained even more points and was outstanding winner of Top Pom. Second on the list was Ch Callevys Creme de Cassis and third on the list was our latest group winner Callevys Without A Trace who is still to young to be titled.

Top winning Pom in Sweden 2004
Nordjv-03 Kbv-04 Dkuch Djurtorps Irish Coffee
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Top winning pom in Ireland and second best pom in Sweden under 2004
Such Iech Callevys Tia Maria | |

Second best male and fourthl best pom in Sweden 2004
Such Nuch Dkuch Kbhv-01 Callevys Karies | |
